
Governance, ethics and transparency
We exercise responsible leadership that provides value to society, our business and our stakeholders. For this reason, and out of respect for our clients and the environment, our corporate policies are based on integrity, transparency and the flow of information.
What does responsible leadership translate into?
This management model involves making strategic and operational decisions which take into account the impact of our activity on our employees, the community and the environment, not only on financial results and commercial objectives.
Governance works on specific policies and action plans aligned with our Code of Ethics, which we apply to the global conduct of the entire Group.
Strategic objectives of this axis and alignment with the SDGs
Some concrete actions that we carry out under the label of Feeding the Future

We follow our Code of Ethics to facilitate decision-making processes and develop business activity consistent with it. We have an Ethics and Compliance Committee that ensures its full and effective application, and an Ethics Mailbox enabled so that anyone can contribute initiatives, report or claim incidents anonymously and confidentially, with all the required guarantees.
We require our suppliers to comply with our quality standards and commitments that relate to sustainability. We seek to maintain stable relationships with our suppliers and facilitate product traceability.
We guarantee fair competition and business stability.
We monitor, review and re-evaluate the risks that affect our business from different environments (economic, social, sectorial, environmental, health and safety, community, human rights, etc.) to optimize our decision making.
We expressly condemn corruption both between individuals and involving members of the Administrations.
We manage sustainability comprehensively throughout the organization. We encourage the training of our teams to encourage their involvement and promote continuous improvement.
We contribute to the promotion and safeguarding of cultural heritage, through the conservation of a collection of works of art linked to the places where we carry out our activity.
Committed to sustainable business development

We reduce the impact of our activity, we take care of people, we guarantee the future
Through our three business lines (the pork meat industry, agriculture and renewable energy) we seek to satisfy the demands of our stakeholders, focusing on the creation of added value, i.e. by promoting actions that have a positive impact and minimizing possible impacts and negative results derived from our activity.
Corporate policy
In order to carry out more transparent management, our company policies are available for public consultation.

Good Practice and Code of Ethics
Charter of best practices and corporate code of ethics for internal staff, customers, suppliers and partners.
Decalogue of good practices> Ethical code>
Sustainability and Environmental Policies
Grupo Jorge's commitment to sustainable business development.
Sustainability Policy > Environmental Policy >Our companies
We are a Spanish business group composed of various companies, with an extensive track record and profitable, continuous and sustained growth.

The pink pig
Our main pork production company, with slaughterhouses and cutting plants.

Our cured meat company. One of the biggest producers of serrano and Iberian ham.

Our cutting plants that specialise in sows.

Specialised in pork by-products such as offal, loin and tripe.