Strategic axis 3
The Planet

Environment, circularity and energy
Managing the environmental impact of our activity is crucial for us. The actions and objectives integrated in this axis are aimed at calculating, mitigating and compensating this impact, reducing resource consumption and waste generation and implementing the circular economy as a management model.
We are a carbon neutral company
A company is carbon neutral when it manages to neutralize all of the greenhouse gases (GHG) it emits into the atmosphere by implementing reduction, compensation and absorption strategies.
In 2022, Grupo Jorge offset 100% of its emissions (Categories 1 and 2 [scope 1 and 2]). Our work has earned us the Calculo-Reduzco-Compenso (Calculate-Reduce-Offset) seal, a recognition granted by the National Carbon Footprint Registry, certifications from AENOR which accredit our calculation and offsetting of CO2.
How does Grupo Jorge become Carbon Neutral?
We carry out an emissions inventory and calculate our carbon footprint.
This is the first step towards knowing the extent of our impact, identifying the main sources of emissions, setting annual reduction goals and designing specific strategies to achieve them.
We develop an emissions reduction plan (within our value chain) with medium and long-term objectives.
We have internal-consumption photovoltaic plants for the generation of renewable energy that allow us to reduce our consumption of energy from the national grid; we also have residual thermal energy recovery systems that help us achieve greater energy efficiency
- 19.91 GWh generated in 2022 (internal consumption photovoltaic)
- 15.4 GWh recovered in 2022
In addition to internal consumption parks, we have wind farms and photovoltaic power stations throughout Spain:
- 416.9 GWh generated in 2022 (renewable energy: wind and photovoltaic)
- (458 GWh including generation from smaller plants)
- 126,579.9 t CO2 avoided (non-renewable energy)
We invest in carbon offsetting projects (outside the value chain) through the voluntary carbon market in different parts of the world.
That is to say - when we cannot reduce our emissions further, we compensate for those that we cannot eliminate by investing in reduction projects in countries in which we operate.
Get to know them (offsetting projects)
We implement a culture of sustainability at all levels of the company and when engaging with our stakeholders.
We evaluate our suppliers in terms of sustainability in order to control and optimize our processes.
Our purpose is to continue reducing our impact
Our sustainability strategy is aligned with the United Nations “Net-Zero” goal for 2050. Our purpose is to continue reducing our GHG emissions until they are as close to zero as possible and neutralize residual emissions.
Strategic objectives of this axis and alignment with the SDGs
Some specific actions that we carry out under the label of Feeding the Future

Through AENOR, we calculate and verify our water footprint with the aim of reducing it.
We evaluate more than 90% of the waste generated by our activity.
We continue to develop our renewable energy power plants and committing ourselves to internal consumption.
We oversee the development of our forest plantations (our own CO2e sinks).
We recover and store thermal energy, making use of it within our production process (significantly reducing our consumption, especially of natural gas).
We use intermodal transportation and are present in logistics centers to ensure a more efficient transfer of raw materials and final product.
We carry out efficient manure management, optimizing routes for its application, such as fertilizers.
We promote zero waste, evaluating by-products for the production of pet food, fertilizers and biofuels.
We submit to regular audits that help us measure and reduce the environmental impact of our activity.
We have our own crops that serve as means of GHG absorption
We have more than 170 hectares earmarked for forest plantations of noble woods (walnut and cherry trees) that function as natural sinks, absorbing part of the CO2 that is emitted into the atmosphere.

tC02e emitted in 2022
Category 1 and 2 (Scope 1 and 2)
tC02e absorbed in 2022

We carry out responsible management of our resources and waste
We transform our business by implementing circular economy in all our production phases: optimizing the management of water resources and waste.

We have obtained the “Aragón Circular” seal (2022) that verifies our commitment to this management model. Also the “Zero Waste” certification granted by AENOR in three of our companies: Indepor, Fortune Pig and Jorge Pork Meat (EDAR).
We have obtained aswell the Sustainable Fleet Certificate for the promotion of actions to optimize fleet efficiency; ISO 14001, awarded for the environmental management of our companies; and the FSC and PEFC seals, which promote sustainable forest management.
Our companies
We are a Spanish business group composed of various companies, with an extensive track record and profitable, continuous and sustained growth.

Pink Pig
Our main pork production company, with slaughterhouses and cutting plants.

Our cured meat company. One of the biggest producers of serrano and Iberian ham.

Our cutting plants that specialise in sows.

Specialised in pork by-products such as offal, loin and tripe.