Grupo Jorge Foundation joins in tree-planting for the “Woods for the People of Zaragoza” Plan
With the aim of improving health, increasing biodiversity and reducing carbon footprint in order to stave off global warming, Grupo Jorge Foundation has joined forces with “El Bosque de los Zaragozanos” (Woods for the People of Zaragoza) scheme. This project, initiated by Zaragoza’s Town Council, together with the collaboration of Ecodes, aims to plant 700,000 new trees, one for each inhabitant of the Aragonese capital and aims to place the city in the vanguard of sustainability and health care, not only of people but also of the planet.
On the 27th of November, Olga Samper, director of Grupo Jorge’s RSC Group, together with workers from different areas of the company, took part in planting a total of 500 trees. The place chosen for the trees with which the Grupo Jorge Foundation has collaborated with a 5,000 euro donation is La Plana de Zaragoza, a site located some 15 km from the Aragonese capital.
As Ms Samper told us, projects such as this one “contribute to the construction of a more sustainable future for the coming generations”. The Foundation's representative during the day of planting added that, “as a part of the society in which we operate, it is our responsibility to strive to look after existing resources and conserve the natural environment that surrounds us".
“El Bosque de los Zaragozanos” (“Woods for the People of Zaragoza”) hopes to contribute to the fulfilling of Zaragoza’s commitment to environmental policies, such as the Climate Change Target Plan; Sustainable Development Goals; Agenda 2030; Director of Zaragoza Green Infrastructure Plan; Circular Economy. Furthermore, this proposal falls fully within the goals of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and Next Generation funds from the European Union.
This initiative has further benefits such as the creation of jobs directly and indirectly, both in the plantations themselves and also in the plant nurseries and in the business sector that will supply the necessary material, as well as the groundwork that will need to be done to prepare to prepare the various plantation areas.