Activities Report of Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation (Academic Year 2022-2023)
We take a trip back in time to look back on all the activities carried out during the last academic year (2022-2023) by the Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation, created in July 2022 in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza and the Grupo Jorge Foundation.
Zaragoza, September 21, 2022
Visit of the Grupo Jorge Foundation to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
The president of the Grupo Jorge Foundation, Olga Samper, visited the facilities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zaragoza to learn about the work being carried out thanks to the Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation. Samper was accompanied by one of the members of the Business Commission, Pedro González, the co-directors of the chair, Cristina Acín and María Ángeles Latorre, both professors at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and by the dean of the Faculty, Manuel Gascón Pérez. All of them had the chance to oversee the spaces in which the fruits of this collaboration will materialize, as well as meeting some of their direct managers in person. Among the places they have visited are the Genetic Research Laboratory, the Physiology Teaching Laboratory, the Food Science and Technology Pilot Plant and the Animal Experimentation Service where they will work directly with piglets provided by Grupo Jorge.
Zaragoza, November 23-25, 2022
Participation in the 1st Guidance and Employment Forum of the University of Zaragoza
The Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation participated in a new event organized by the Guidance and Employment Service of the University of Zaragoza (UNIVERSA). This is the 1st Guidance and Employment Forum and took place on November 23, 24 and 25. The aim was to help prepare students for the professional future by getting them to know their strengths and areas for improvement, obtaining a “profile of talent and competence.” There they were able to meet the participating companies, communicate with them via chat, attend the conferences and apply for offers. Almost 50 companies and institutions participated, making themselves known through stands, being able to maintain direct contact with university students.
Zaragoza, December 21, 2022
Professional day at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
The Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation organized a day to encourage professionalization, which was held on December 21 at 11:30 a.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Lecture Building of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. It was aimed at students in the final years of the Degrees in Veterinary Medicine and Food Science and Technology. Carmen Matud (quality and food safety coordinator) and Jordi Farrés (isoweans coordinating veterinarian), who have extensive experience in the Group, showed the different professional profiles of veterinarians and technologists who work in the Group.

Huesca, February 1, 2023
Professional day at the Higher Polytechnic School
The Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation organized a day to encourage professionalization, which was held on February 1 at 1:00 p.m. in the Hall of Degrees of the Higher Polytechnic School of Huesca. It was aimed at students in the final years of the Degrees in Environmental Sciences, Agri-Food and Rural Engineering and the consecutive double Degree in Agri-Food and Rural Engineering / Food Science and Technology. Isaac Becerril (Project Engineering Director), Luis Viscasillas (Facilities and Maintenance Manager) and Alberto Martín (Renewable Energy Manager), who have a great deal of professional experience, have shown the different professional profiles of engineers who work in the Group.
Zaragoza, February 8, 2023
Conference on bioeconomy, ethics and sustainability in the pork industry at the University of Zaragoza
The Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation organized a conference on bioeconomy, ethics and sustainability that took place in the Paraninfo building of the University of Zaragoza on February 8, from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. This meeting sought to combine the experience of renowned professionals in the food sector with the research and academic work of the University. To this end, a program divided into three sessions (environmental, social and animal) was created in which a total of 15 important experts from the pork sector, both national and local, participated. More than 160 people from more than 80 companies, institutions and administrations interested in the topic attended. The complete program can be consulted here.

February 14, 2023
Study Aid for the completion of the Master’s Degree in Swine Health and Production
On January 11, the Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation announced a study aid of 1,800 euros so that one of the students already enrolled in the Master's Degree in Swine Health and Production during the 2022-2023 academic year, can pay the registration fee. This Master's degree lasts 1 year (from January to December) and is organized by the Universities of Zaragoza, Lleida and Complutense of Madrid, and is also taught at the three Universities as well. When the joint committee of the Chair met on February 2, its members decided that the beneficiary of the aid would be Elena Castillo Cavero.
Zaragoza, March 16, 2023
Participation in the Talent Games of the University of Zaragoza
The Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation participated in the 3rd edition of the Talent Games, an event organized by the Integra, Strategy and Technology chair and the University of Zaragoza. It was held on March 16 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Betancourt Building of the Río Ebro Campus. This activity falls within Espacio Talento (“A Space for Talent”), a program that has been created with the intention of bringing young talent closer to companies. On this occasion there were almost 800 participants divided into 150 teams; a dynamic and fun meeting that brings together university students at the doors of the labor market and large companies like Grupo Jorge. The day consisted of solving a 90-minute escape-room that tested the participants' skills throughout 7 tests connected to a mobile phone app. The event took place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Zaragoza, April 12, 2023
Professional day at the School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA)
The Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation organized a day to encourage professionalization, which was held on April 12 at 12:30 p.m. at the Higher Polytechnic School of Huesca. This event was aimed at students in the final years of the different Engineering Degrees taught at the School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA). Isaac Becerril (Project Engineering Director), Luis Viscasillas (Head of Facilities and Maintenance) and Alberto Martín Head of Renewable Energies), who have a great deal of professional experience, showed the different professional profiles of engineers who work in the Group.

Zaragoza, April 19, 2023
Participation in expoTALENT'23 Orientation and Employment Fair of the University of Zaragoza
The Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation participated in the Orientation and Employment Fair (expoTALENT'23), an event organized by the Orientation and Employment Service of the University of Zaragoza (UNIVERSA). It was held on April 19 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Betancourt Building on the Río Ebro Campus. With the slogan “Live the experience,” expoTALENT'23 brought students and graduates from the University of Zaragoza into contact with the 82 companies, entities and administrations that participated in the meeting. There, each company had a stand where students and graduates could learn more information about their activity and profiles in demand for both internships and job offers. In addition, different activities were scheduled, such as challenges, in-person workshops and a coaching corner where the CEOs of the companies guided the university students on their future professional development.
April 25 and 26, 2023
Visits by students of the Master in Swine Health and Production to Grupo Jorge farms
The Grupo Jorge Foundation Talent and Innovation Chair enabled two visits by the students of the Master’s Degree in Swine Health and Production to the Group's pig farms. The first was on April 25 at the San Pedro farm, in Monreal de Ariza (Zaragoza), where a session titled “How to guide reproductive consultancy on the farm” was held. The second was on April 26 at the Pedregales farm, in Puebla de Híjar (Teruel), where a session on “assessment of body condition, questions, mating management, insemination and pregnancy diagnosis” was held in which Dr. Antonio González de Bulnes, head of R&D of the Group, participated.

Zaragoza, June 6, 2023
Participation in the public-private collaboration conferences “Demands on Aragonese companies”
The Grupo Jorge Foundation Chair for Talent and Innovation participated in a Conference on the Agri-Food Sector, organized by the Zaragoza University Business Foundation (FEUZ) in collaboration with the Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce, CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business organizations) and the University of Zaragoza. This was held on June 6 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Zaragoza. This meeting was held as a working breakfast and is the first of the sectoral Public-Private Collaboration Conferences "Demands on Aragonese companies" that FEUZ has planned with a double objective: to disseminate success stories and to be aware of the needs of companies in the areas of R&D&I and Training.